Erotic Grief Ritual
Led by victor warring
saturday, May 8, 11am-1pm PT
Grief and Eros have always walked side by side, hand in hand…
The drive towards sexuality, pleasure, life, love, creativity and the surrendering into death, sorrow, acceptance, letting go.
Grief and Eros, both bigger than we. Both longing to be witnessed and held by and within community.
In these times especially, as we feel the sting of connections distanced, embraces scarce, sexuality denied, relationships strained for lack of proximity or too much proximity…
In these times when it has become so easy to be disconnected from that which gives us life and purpose, creativity and power, passion and hope and pleasure…
Let us be together in embodied ritual practice with our Erotic Grief!
In this online ritual practice, join us to be witnessed, tended to in the larger circle. Bring your voices and your bodies; ready to breathe, move, sit, make sound as called for in your erotic grief.
Though we are inviting in the tender places of eros and grief, this is a non-sexual event. Clothing is optional, and Level 2 boundaries apply. Arrive in comfortable attire.
Bring a water vessel, candle and anything else that makes your space a sacred, safe place to express, witness and be witnessed.
Beth Erlander, Therapeutic Grief Guide & Victor Warring, Somatic Sexuality Educator & Embodied Eroticism Coach
Image Credit: Anne Barlinckhoff
Suggested donation of $15-$30 per person with most funds going towards the Dargara village in Burkina Faso, home of the grief ritualist, Sobonfu Somé and photographer Anne Barlinckhoff, whose work supports African people and communities. Link:
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