charity Joy

Charity specializes in trauma and interpersonal neurobiology. She’s interested in how attachment and connection interweave, and how genuine relating in the absence of defense mechanisms enhances capacity for self-knowledge. She is currently working on applying John Gottman’s work on relationships to different styles of ethical non-monogamy.

Charity specializes in using what we know about the brain and mirror neurons to help others navigate the difficult waters of polyamory. She has special interest in how religious upbringing creates emotional memories of shame that have enduring negative impacts on sexual relating until they are fully processed and integrated.

cliff rees

Cliff has taught meditation for 50+ years to thousands of people all over the world (Iran, India, Philippines, Switzerland, US). He's studied Tantra since 1998 with Alan Lowen, and is a graduate of Alan's 2-year Body, Heart & Soul Training.

He has facilitated many hundreds of workshops with tens of thousands of attendees on meditation, intimacy, sexuality, boundaries and presence.

He creates safe and nurturing spaces where you can explore your edges and learn more about your deepest self, your desires, and your relationships while dissolving and unwinding the blocks which get in your way. All activities are entirely consensual.