The 10 Aspirations
by Charity Joy
What an amazing fall so far! I have really been enjoying the emergence of a deep, meaningful and connected community. Something is being co-created that is far greater than the sum of its parts. We have had deep dives, music by the fire, laughter, tears, and disco-dancing aliens! It’s hard to believe that one year ago the concept of being in a basement with 40 naked people, coconut oil, and moans of pleasure was foreign and even terrifying.
As our community gels, I have been thinking about the emerging ethos we are creating, and the “Commandments” that we live by. I see all of us embodying values that are core to Empowered Pleasure. So, I decided to create our own 10 Commandments! Our Commandments have far more “thou shalts” than “thou shalt nots”! I suppose we should call them aspirations rather than commandments.
The first intimacy must be with yourself.
Give without expectation. Receive without obligation.
That which you put your attention on grows stronger in your life.
Pleasure is the most potent antidote to suffering.
Say “no” to what you don’t want, and “yes” to what you do want.
Only if your “no” can be trusted can your “yes” be trusted.
Examine and own your privilege daily and strive to employ it to heal the world.
Listen to others as if they were a magical unicorn, no matter what their ethnicity, gender, age, or background. Everyone has something to teach us.
Whether a casual one-night stand or a lifelong relationship, see each person as a whole being and not a thing to be used for pleasure.
Drop your mask – let yourself be deeply seen and heard.