NEW! Level 1.5

by Cliff Rees

You’re all familiar with event Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4 (E1-E4).  A few recent events plus multiple conversations with members have made it clear we need another event Level, and we’re going to call it 1.5.

As a review:

  1. Level 1 (E1) is an educational or social, fully clothed event, where there is only normal social touch (handshake, hug, etc.). Any member can attend an E1 event and bring non-member guests. Examples are many Workshops, Wine Socials, Outings, or the dance floor during Parties. At an E1 Workshop, a demo model may be unclothed for educational purposes.

  2. Level 1.5 (E1.5) is a cuddle event focused on moving nurturing, supportive energy. It’s fully clothed and allows deep connection with others with no intention of moving sensual or sexual energy.

  3. Level 2 (E2) is an event focused on moving sensual energy. Being topless is fine, but genitals must stay covered and there is no genital touch. No non-member guests are allowed without approval from CCM (Cliff, Charity, or Mel). Examples are some Pujas, Blindfolded Sensual Dinner, or Level 2 Cuddles. Some events use Progressive Leveling like Massage-a-Trois, which starts at E2 and proceeds to E3.

  4. Level 3 (E3) is a clothing optional event where learning how to move sexual energy without any particular goal is the point. There is no penetration and no working towards a specific agenda. No non-member guests are allowed without approval from CCM. Examples are Puja-a-Trois or Adoring the Feminine.

  5. Level 4 (E4) allows for the possibility of full sexual expression. No non-member guests are allowed without approval from CCM. Examples are particular areas of Play Parties or higher level Pujas where E3 and E4 are combined.

The recent events that brought this topic up were a Cuddle and a Connection workshop led by Brenda & Rich, and Lachlan, respectively.  These pointed out the need for a fourth type of touch that lies between normal social touch (handshake, hug, etc.) that is appropriate for Level 1 and sensual touch that is appropriate for Level 2.  Charity and Mel coined the name “nurturing touch” for this, which is wonderfully descriptive.

Level 1.5 events will be fully clothed, and they won’t venture beyond nurturing, supportive touch.  The 10 Commandments of Level 1.5 events are (adapted from Reid Mihalko’s Cuddle Party Rules):

  1. Clothes stay on the whole time.

  2. You don’t have to cuddle anyone at a 1.5 event, ever.

  3. You must ask permission and receive a verbal YES before you touch anyone. (Be as specific in your request as you can.)

  4. If you’re a yes, say YES. If you’re a no (or a maybe), say NO.

  5. You can change your mind at any point – YES to NO, NO to YES.

  6. Touch ONLY to nurture, support, and connect, not to get turned on or turn on.

  7. If you have any relationship agreements outside of the event, respect them!

  8. Get your Level 1.5 event facilitator if you have a question or concern or need assistance with anything during the event.

  9. Tears and laughter are both welcome.

  10. Respect people’s privacy when sharing about your experiences at any and all events, including these.

We’ll be requiring attendance at a Level 1.5 event before any new member can Level up to Level 2 (E2), so we’ll be having regular Cuddles and Connection events.  Anyone who is Level 1 (E1) or above can attend a Level 1.5 event.

We welcome any comments or questions by either email to or by commenting on the Empowered Pleasure Facebook page post about this.

Happy Cuddling!