Write Your Own User Manual


Ever wish that your partner(s) or potential partner(s) could get to know you on a deeper level more quickly? What if they had precise information about you and how you work emotionally, relationally, and sexually in a way that could be referenced later as needed?

You are an extraordinary machine! Create your own User Manual to maximize the way others interact with you. Develop a living document that you can share with intimate and/or sexual partner(s) or anyone else that needs to know the inner workings of you.

You are a unique human being with specific emotional reactions, relational desires, intellectual needs, and physical/sexual proclivities. No one can know what those are unless you tell them. So, why not create your own User Manual?

Your manual provides insight into the workings of your mind, heart and body. The process of creating it allows you to think through exactly what it is that you want, need, and desire. Creating Mel’s User Manual certainly solidified some things that were previously nebulous and/or unexplored. Creating Charity's User Manual allowed Charity to recognize what helps her feel loved and supported, and ask for it directly! We’d love for others to have this experience in a supportive group setting!

Bring your laptop or notepad so you have something to write with!

In this four-week series we explore a different aspect of your developing User Manual.

Session 1

Family History/Background: Explore the seminal events that happened in your formative years. Learn how those affect you today.

Session 2

How to Take Care of a {INSERT YOUR NAME HERE}: What are the behaviors you desire from others that make you feel loved, aroused, and/or connected? Communicate all of these specifically in your manual.


Visit the Empowered Pleasure MeetUp group for upcoming dates and to register.

If you are not a member of the Empowered Pleasure MeetUp group, make sure that you answer all of the questions when you apply!

Email us if you have additional questions.
All material ©Empowered Pleasure, LLC