Two Open Doors: A Path to Deep Connection

Led by claude cruz, phd


“Two Open Doors” is a three-part program aimed at enabling and supporting emotionally satisfying deep connections between people. It has value for single people as well as those in partnership.

Our format will be honest and probing group discussion facilitated by some exercises to allow self-exploration. This will all be done in a safe and caring, no-pressure environment (as is usual for Empowered Pleasure events) Each attendee can go at their own pace, and to whatever depth they find comfortable.

PART 1: OPENING DOORS - Tues, Jan. 11, 2022 6:30-9:30pm PT

In Part 1, we’ll explore what it takes for two people to connect deeply with one another. We’ll see why relationships work like the connecting-doors between hotel rooms, and we’ll take a look at whether our own “doors” may be closed to connection.

We’ll then identify two big factors that are required for connection: trust and desire. (Each of these will be the focus of later sessions in this series.)

PART 2: EXPLORING DESIRE - Tues, Jan. 18, 2022 6:30-9:30pm PT
In Part 2, we’ll explore what drives us to want to connect deeply with others: - desire.

We’ll take a look at four of the “spark plugs” that contribute to desire: partner compatibility, relationship “chemistry”, being desired by a partner, and our relationship goals. We’ll have an opportunity to see how each of these applies in our own life.

PART 3: TRUST & CONNECTION - Tues, Jan. 25, 2022 6:30-9:30pm PT

In Part 3, we’ll take a look at the foundation for any healthy relationship - mutual trust.

We’ll consider what it takes to move from fear of connection to being open and available for connection. We’ll also look at the sorts of behaviors and life-patterns that can give us confidence in wanting to connect deeply with a partner.


Claude Cruz is a long-standing member of EP. He pursues his passion for facilitating deep human connection through his work as a relationship and intimacy coach, and through his Two Open Doors podcast, website and Facebook group. He also explores the frontiers of human relationship-building through his practice of polyamory. Claude has a PhD in Human Sexuality and a Professional Sex Coach certification.

CCM have known Claude for years and have great respect for his work as a relationship coach.


  • 6:30 Social time before the event! Please bring a healthy snack or beverage to share (no meat or hard liquor, please).

  • 7:00 Introduction, presentation and discussion

  • 9:00 Closing circle

  • 9:30 Hot tub time, post-event socializing


$20-$25 sliding scale per person, or $50-$60 for all three. You can pay cash at the door, or pay in advance here. Be sure to note the event(s) and your name.


Visit the Empowered Pleasure MeetUp group for upcoming dates and to register.

If you are not a member of the Empowered Pleasure MeetUp group, make sure that you answer all of the questions when you apply!

Email us if you have additional questions.
All material ©Empowered Pleasure, LLC