Jealousy from the Inside & Outside
Led by tanya jarvik
In Part 1 of this series (Jealousy From the Inside), we focus on how to deal with jealousy when you are experiencing it. Part 2 (Jealousy From the Outside) focuses on how to deal with jealousy when someone you care about is feeling jealous. You can attend both classes, or just one.
PART 1 - Jealousy from the Inside - Thurs, Jan. 6, 6:30-9:30 PT
If you are currently struggling with jealousy, or if you are more prone to experiencing jealousy than you think you ought to be, this workshop is for you.
Jealousy has developed a bad reputation in polyamorous circles, but it is a perfectly normal human response and can be a great teacher. In this class, you’ll learn how to develop a better relationship with the various emotions that make up the core of the jealous response. In addition to discussing practical strategies for engaging with jealousy in more productive ways, we’ll do a deeper dive, tackling some of the unhelpful personal beliefs and societal narratives that may be causing unnecessary suffering in your open relationships.PART 2
PART 2 - Jealousy from the Outside - Thurs, Jan. 20, 6:30-9:30 PT
If you have a partner or metamour who is currently struggling with jealousy, or if you are typically the less-jealous person in your relationships, this workshop is for you.
Sometimes it’s hard to know how to support a partner who is in a difficult emotional space, and jealousy can be particularly treacherous territory. In this class, we’ll discuss how to show up for loved ones who are dealing with jealousy without sacrificing your own autonomy. We’ll also cover prevention, triage, and calming strategies that can help return your relationships to equilibrium.
CCM have known Tanya for years and have great respect for her work as a relationship coach.
Tanya Jarvik is a relationship radical who believes in a DIY (do it yourselves) approach to relationships. Consciously created relationships can be extremely rewarding, and they can also be extremely challenging!
She helps her clients:
• Build stronger, more resilient connections
• Become less possessive and more cooperative, without sacrificing emotional well-being or autonomy
• Understand and take responsibility for your own emotions
• Effectively communicate your needs and wants
• Navigate the sometimes confusing discourse on alternative relationship choices, including open marriage, polyamory, swinging, ethical non-monogamy, relationship anarchy, and being “monogamish”
• Find creative solutions to incompatibilities between you and your partner(s)
• Embrace the inevitable changes that occur in all relationships, and make any necessary transitions with courage and grace
• Create sustainable relationship networks based on consent rather than coercion
6:30 Social time before the event! Please bring a healthy snack or beverage to share (no meat or hard liquor, please).
7:00 Introduction, presentation and discussion
9:00 Closing circle
9:30 Hot tub time, post-event socializing
$15-$20 sliding scale per person. You can pay cash at the door, or pay in advance here. Be sure to note the event(s) and your name.
Visit the Empowered Pleasure MeetUp group for upcoming dates and to register.
If you are not a member of the Empowered Pleasure MeetUp group, make sure that you answer all of the questions when you apply!
Email us if you have additional questions.
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