Monday Night Book Club!

Kitty Chambliss, author of The Jealousy Survival Guide and founder of Loving Without Boundaries

Kitty Chambliss, author of The Jealousy Survival Guide and founder of Loving Without Boundaries

Amy Gahran, author of Stepping Off the Relationship Escalator

Amy Gahran, author of Stepping Off the Relationship Escalator

Delving into Ethically Non-Monogamous (ENM) relationships can be challenging. Whether you are new to ENM or a “seasoned-pro,” finding out how others manage their alternative relationship structures can be helpful in terms of personal growth and connection to partners and metamours. This Book Club is designed to provide the opportunity for people to explore ideas in a supportive environment with folx in the ENM community.

Following the Book Club, the author will join EP for a talk back session. There is no charge to participate in the Book Club.

Note that the author may not be available on a Monday. We will schedule them during a time that they are available and as close to the end of the Book Club as possible. People who attend the Book Club will have access to a video of the presentation if they are not able to participate in the live event.


Schedule for all sessions (Pacific Time) 

6:30 Social Connection Time

7:00 Introduction, Content, Breakout Rooms, Q&A

8:30 Close


 There will be multiple Breakouts to discuss the information in smaller groups. All discussion is entirely consensual, and everyone will be reminded of the importance that anything shared is confidential.

Visit the Empowered Pleasure MeetUp group for upcoming dates and to register.

If you are not a member of the Empowered Pleasure MeetUp group, make sure that you answer all of the questions when you apply!

Email us if you have additional questions.
All material ©Empowered Pleasure, LLC